Monday, July 17, 2017

Book Juggling?

That's what I am juggling. I thought I loved reading more than one book at a time but now it feels as though I am reading way too many books at a time!


I am sort of reading these.

This one is not off to a great start. So far I am not a fan of these friends or their conversations.

I am reading this, too. So good...but I love these easy cozy foody books. This is the last one in this far.

I want to start this one. Sounds good...doesn't it?


Plus I think I started another book and then put it down and I hate when I do that!

This one...and I love it!

Every other reader has neat stacks and dates and an organized plan! I read way too randomly. The shiny new books are the ones I want to grab first. How bad is that...sigh! to pump up my 20 minutes on the treadmill to at least 21...I don't have a way to figure out when I should be less tired and my life is still not really all that normal. Little by little I am trying to do the things I used to do but the big road block for me is always hair. I want my hair back and there is no way for me to get around it. Sigh!

Chalk this day up to being a bad without hair day.






  1. I can never manage more than two books at a time, and they have to be very different.

    Enjoy! You are making great progress!

  2. Reading randomly is the best way to read. Otherwise it risks becoming a chore. Trust me. Enjoy. Everything. HUGS.
    P.S. I want to read The Child Finder.

    1. It looks good...doesn't it? Thank you for all of your encouragement! I feel the hugs...literally.

  3. Sometimes I have to read more than one b/c of holds that come in. I have two right now but have been concentrating on my fantasy one to try to get in deeper into the plot. I hope you had a good treadmill session.

  4. Glad to hear you have enough energy to do the treadmill! And you've earned the right to read the books in whatever order you like, so there!! *sticks out tongue* Lol...

  5. Little by little is a good mantra.
    I can read two at a time if they're different genres but I prefer one at a time. That said, I think every book lover out there can identify :)

  6. I'm so very glad to see this blog!! such a great job!
