Friday, August 15, 2014


This book won't be for everyone...but I really did enjoy reading this...and it did truly remind me often of The Night Circus...which I loved.

Next up...I read a chapter last night and it pulled me in...I loved one of her other books...Comfort Of Lies...

This has been a weird week...Lucy and Roxie have been clingy...I think from me being away. The weather has been beautiful...even with two days of and weeds are growing wildly and it's been so beautiful outside. Plus after reading The House We Grew Up In...where there was hoarding...I am wildly distraught over cleaning out closets. Seriously...closets and bins are really stressing me out...big time!

I am also trying so hard not to gather any new books...but books seem to follow me around like mean kitties! Lol!

I am hopelessly addicted to NetGalley!

Dinner tonight? Crunchy Baked Tacos from No. 2 Pencil! These are soooo good!

Happy Friday! We have a busy weekend so I won't be back until Monday!

Hopefully you will have a great weekend, too!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why? Part Two...

Why am I so certain that I won't like the new Doctor Who? Why am I so obsessed with Doctor Who anyway?

Why is the peanut butter of my childhood...this one...the only one I love?
Why is that so awful?

Why does Lucy feel compelled to wake up Den, Patty and 4:30 each morning by walking across us or yowling just once...but really loud?

Then spend the rest of her day napping contentedly!

Why does reading this excellent awesome amazing book about a family...its dysfunction...and hoarding...make me want to clean out every closet? This book is freaking amazing! Loved every word!

Why does Roxie Blue love toast? Buttered buttery yummy toast! I think I may have told you before that a Tonk breeder once told me that living with Tonks is like living with a two year old child...for forever! Den and I feel totally owned by them! They like doing everything with us! Toys are not their thing but playing with us is! When they are napping I find myself tiptoeing around so that I get a few peaceful hours before they need us again! It's too funny! We never just go to bed...we plan games to tire them out! And this one...she is so different from Lucy! Now Lucy jumps up and walks around the tv because she saw Roxie do it!

Why is the Pioneer Woman a food genius? Her chicken salad was amazing! It had pecans and grapes and celery and the sauce part was Greek yogurt and olive oil mayo...lemon juice and a touch of cayenne pepper! Oh my! It's what's for lunch today!!!

Choosing what to read next...hmmmm...

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why? Part One...

Why does my favorite Made In Maine handmade mug have a massive chip in its lip right where I sip? I didn't even try to purposely rhyme that!

Why am I reading two books at a time when I really hate doing it? Plus...both are so good!

Why am I drawn so much to these tunic much so that I have both?

Why don't Lucy Grace And Roxie Blue believe me when I say it's raining and the deck is wet? Yesterday I opened the deck door 4 times...they stand in the doorway...look out...look back at me...I shut the door and 30 minutes later we repeat the process...Tonks are very very questioning!

Why do we have to eat dinner tonight? Lol...these were so good last night but so much work!

I think we are having Pioneer Woman's Chicken Salad for dinner...with chips! I was too lazy to make baked chicken so I poached it yesterday...I do not feel like making anything!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day Two...

Dinner plans yesterday did not go as planned...sigh...I did not take the puff pastry out of the freezer soon enough and it did not thaw. So I had these beautiful tomato slices that had been drying on paper towels for an hour and no puff pastry! And dinner! We had salad, corn, and buttered bread...

So...these today...a do over...

Along with Zucchini Parmesan stacks...these are from Serious Eats and pretty much are sautéed zucchini, cheeses and sauce!

Finished this one late into the night last night...but halfway through I realized that there was a first book...I hate when that happens!

Reading this...I wanted to read it because it's supposed to remind readers of The Night Circus...I just literally read the first good!

The stage is set for rain here for the next two days! Yikes!

Happy Tuesday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, August 11, 2014

Alone! Sort Of!

This is my first day alone...other than Lucy and ages! Even though we had our own beach house...remember? I love the beach it. my sister's lake house...we were surrounded by babies, toddlers, older kids, infants, puppies, boats, water, food, drinks, chatter, talks, memories, and major excitement! I think I was over stimulated!

Den is working for the next two I have a chance to get under stimulated...which I need!

We have a Keith Urban concert later in the week so I will probably get all jazzed up again! Oh my!

Reading this...

Making this for dinner with fresh local corn and salad...this is from The Kitchn. It's fresh heirloom tomatoes with sharp and mozzarella cheeses on puff pastry!

Off to have do food prep! Oh...I think the girls bonded more while we were gone!

Look! Too funny because Roxie is so AWKWARD!

Happy Monday!

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday! I Love Sunday!

Sunday's are guiltless days for me...I do not feel badly about being lazy...Sunday should be a day that just makes your head feel good! Yes!

Reading the papers...relaxing...sipping coffee...Den brought home breakfast burritos...he stopped at our local dairy...for milk, butter, eggs, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers...all just picked and local! The milk from this dairy...grass fed hormone free so delicious!

Reading this is sooooooo good! I started it last night and could not put it down.

Finished this...and while I recognize that it is unique...well was not the book for me...I actually labored over this book...whew!

Happy Sunday! Don't do anything today! Relax! Put your feet up! That's an order!