This summer has the feel of a lost much rain...then all the house stuff...the painting...the tree...the deck..oh my...the trip to see Den's dad...and today the washer is getting repaired. It is making a noise that is so loud we can not hear ourselves in the family room! I have to track this summer by keeping in mind sort of illogical events!

Plus now Den has to wear braces! I am sort of laughing. I wore braces twice and now Den has to wear them...he was freaking out but he gets to wear probably only I will know...and I promised him I wouldn't how great I am at keeping promises? I wore Invisalign my second time and it's not that bad. We love our orthodontist...there are games in the office and he will be fine! Plus I told him to go years ago but he did not listen to me and now he absolutely has to...I am so right...when I am right!

I hate waiting for repairmen!
I am still deciding what to read...I am in a little bit of a time crunch with Amazon Vine and Last Harvest...too many good books!
I have 5 days to read these...before I am overdue...I read Carson Stroud...and this is the next book in this good...creepy...Steven King scary!

This is described as a "dazzling debut"and it sounds really intense. I think I will read it now!

This one is another thriller! Yum!

It gets even better...I have 6 days to read these...yikes...or else I will be overdue. If you are overdue with Vine you can't get anything new when it's the third Thursday of the month. I am amazed that I am even aware of this but Amazon tracks it for me...I love Amazon and I love Vine! I tend to pick mysteries from Vine and these are both thriller/chillers from authors I have read before! to read and wait!
The Panopticon...her I come!
Happy Reading!