Last night's dinner did not happen last night but hopefully it will happen tonight!
With one small!

Den came in from doing yard work after three o'clock and was we munched on chips and queso and salsa...which meant we were not a bit hungry later...but we did eat our apple things which were amazing...they were like apple crisp in a puffed pastry...OMG!
Today...after a trip to get newspapers...he brought these home! Help me, please! It's like a baby decadent chocolate something or other! I am almost afraid of this...the only thing I said to Den was...if he stopped at our fave local place for coffee and they had something pumpkinish...get poor boy did not want to come home empty handed so he bought these! No pumpkin but masses of chocolate...sigh!

Finished good...essentially a group of ordinary people have to take down a godlike indestructible avenge many deaths and set this world's very exciting, fun to read, has awesome scary characters and would make a great movie!

Reading this now...and it's a total change of pace...a British family and an event that alters everyone's lives. The "event" occurs as a mom is driving her two children to school on a very foggy morning...they are late...they take a different road...they see a little girl riding a red bicycle. Whatever happens is treated as though nothing happened so far but I have just started this book. I love the writing and I believe that this author also wrote The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry. is on...Den is napping...and we are in for the day...I absolutely hate running around on Sunday. Our little family likes to stay at home!

Happy reading!