Now I know that we totally did not do right by Lucy by not getting another Tonk as soon as our other kitty died.
We worried, we fussed, we catered, we took her everywhere but we didn't get her a companion. So...the process of bonding with Roxie is a slow one. Lucy hasn't had contact with another cat for three years. I think she forgot she was a cat. We got Roxie so that she would remember. And...she is remembering. She lightly touches Roxie...she plays with Roxie...she looks for Roxie...this photo was taken yesterday and I think she was getting ready to sit next to and study Roxie but Roxie made the mistake of Lucy ran!
I yearn for the day when I walk in and find them sleeping together! No sparring...just my sweet girls!
Roxie yearns to be invited into the beloved heated bed! Come on, Lucy Grace...just do it!
Is this Lucy reaching out? Lol!