Until football season ends...our Sunday revolves around football!
Today it's this...
...waffles and yummy bacon for breakfast...
...hard cider and popcorn during the Eagles game...maybe chips and salsa to go along with the yelling...cheering...screaming...and general excitement...
...playing with Lucy and Roxie and soothing them when Den's screams scare them...they have really good jump reflexes...lol...or Lucy just stays in her bed and tunes Den out...
Roxie just likes to jump for any reason!
...a short recess until the Bronco game is on...more yelling...screaming...cheering...and possibly tears...yep...tears are in the cards for this one...
...baked tacos and salad for dinner...that will conclude the football portion of this Sunday...
Reading this...I find that a lovely fantasy on football Sunday helps me to totally get through a day of football...I barely even know it's on...
I can be serene and at peace with the day! See? This is my peace filled look...totally!
You can almost hear me chanting!
What's up in your world today?
Happy Football Sunday!