Yesterday was tile day...we actually got these little stone them!

We had to go to a specialty tile store for those and then back to Home Depot for the one last knob we forgot plus Den's bathroom faucet broke so we had to get new bathroom faucets, towel hooks and holders and a new shower head...
When will this end plus I have been to Home Depot every Saturday for the last four weeks!
I actually know what number the faucet aisle is...that's scary! Home Depot is not my favorite place to spend time. Sigh!
Den wants to do "stuff" today...but I am not in a doing stuff mood...I wanted to go to a plant store and get flowers...but it is misty raining out flowers!
Reading and watching Grimm and Elementary instead!
Baked tacos for dinner and fresh raspberries for dessert!

My new recipe comes from a blog I found called The Durfee Family Recipe is insanely amazing and filled with all kinds of recipes! There are 54 different Mexican recipes...even something called Chicken Enchilada Roll Ups...and Salsa Rice...and everyone who contributes a recipe is either a Durfee or married to a Durfee!

That's our Sunday!