Friday, August 18, 2017

The Week's End...

This week was kind of enlightening for me.

I realized that even though my hair is still very much sort of "not there"...I can walk around my house without a hat on. I actually brushed my hair the other day because it was sticking up in the back. That was such a cool feeling. On Wednesday we had errands that involved 4 stores. I went inside all of them. But...when we got home I was exhausted...I had to climb into bed and rest. And my greatest success...26 minutes of hard walking on my treadmill!

And...lovely Lucy Grace is holding her own! It's a day at a time but that's ok! She loves these soft soft baby blankets in her bed.

And the impish Roxie Blue...we call her our Tiny more relaxed and calm because "her Lucy" is ok. Did you know that cats grieve? They say Tonks like mine behave like perpetual 2 year olds. Look at that face.


Aren't you hungry for a good crisp one right now? These are from a market near us called Wolf's Apple House. We are going to get these Early Crispins tomorrow.


Loved this one...absolutely loved it. It had bits and bobs of everything in it...Evelyn Hugo compromised herself a lot for stardom.

Reading and toying with reading one or two of these next...but who knows?


So...that was my week...we are prepared for more rain and heavy storms today so the four of us are staying in armed with books and hopefully electricity for TV and iPads.

This is dinner...I still love Molly Gilbert's Sheet Pan Suppers.

Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!




Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Rainy Days!

Our summer has been so weird...we have had way too many wet and dreary days! We bought a beautiful black and white striped rug for the deck at the beginning of the summer and it has spent most of its outdoor life wet! The sectional cushions have spent their summer in sad! Our rug looks awesome with our green deck pillows...I stare at it from our sunroom...sigh!


Reading and loving this...I mean it is really yummy! And there really are 7 husbands. And one not husband.

Can't move because of this...

I actually bought jeans with holes. Actually jean leggings...Hue...very comfy!

Very holey!


I made Zucchini Parmesan...I used Jennie's recipe from In Jennie's Kitchen. It's pretty much sauce, cheese and zucchini. Sliced and baked...I used every cheese I had and it was so amazing...thank you Jennie! Photos are Jennie's!


Have a great day!




Monday, August 14, 2017

Monday's Special Book...

I was asked to read a rather unusual book...for me...anyway.

It's this one...


It's a sweetly sad book written by Elisabeth Voltz about her life growing up on a farm in Pennsylvania. It's a beautiful book but as you can's incredibly sad. I didn't actually think I could read it but once I started I was able to. And...the sadness wasn't as sad I thought it would be. It was sad but I could bear it.

It was as though I was reading lots of individual stories.

Small Boxes is the first chapter and tells how smaller animals were shoe boxes lined with fabric or pages from wallpaper books.


The back of the book best described Wolf Creek to me.


Other books in the mail...

the first three from Amazon Vine...the last one I think from the publisher...

Do you ever think you have way too many books?


