It is very chewy.
It grows if you don't watch it.
It is not as good as I had hoped...we pitched ours.
It's not good to buy the ruffly does not cook down at all.
It is going out to the pond so the geese and ducks get more fiber.
It's not coming into our house again.

What a disaster...I had three huge bunches because I thought it would cook down to nothing just like spinach and Swiss Chard. Now I still have two cleaned chopped bags and no clue what to do with it. It never got soft...just chewier and chewier.
Double ick!
Finished nightmares yet...thank goodness!

Reading this...stay at home dad who is sort of losing it when he sees his wife with another man...good so far!

Bought these...I am excited by sweats! From a really neat store called "Licensed To Bling".
But I love comfy! And who doesn't love a good bow?

The sun is shining now but not for long...according to our weatherman...I want to do a quick house tidy up, dinner prep, and then the day is mine!
This is dinner...from Saveur...a lemony rosemary is marinating be roasted later!

(picture taken by Andre Baranowski)
Happy Wednesday!