The first thing is that my plan for today is ruined...I was going to go walk at Longwood...the beautiful DuPont Estate gardens that are right next door...but it's raining...starting right now you have to have a scheduled ticketed time to get into Longwood at night...because of the Christmas Lights. The cool thing is if you want to have dinner in town...again minutes can leave your car there and a shuttle will pick you up at the restaurant and drop you off at Longwood and then bring you back to your's a zoo of cars! A plethora of parking and shuttles and people!

Oh...the new movie FoxCatcher? It's about one of the DuPont's and took place near me, too. This movie is supposed to be amazing! I think it was a book first!

I am crazed over Hue's "relaxed week end leggings". They even have pockets!

Also crazed over these comfy tees from Urban Outfitters...

And obsessed with slouchy beanies...this one is from Nordstrom's...

Kind of obsessed with these...they are so pretty...

Totally obsessed with this app...PicPlayPost...for photo collages!

Reading this...totally science fiction and I am really enjoying it...a huge switch from the book I read yesterday. I am beginning to think that I am actually a fan of this genre...I am totally riveted to Doctor Who, Star Trek and now BBC America is showing Battle Star Galactica...I don't actively seek this stuff out...but when it's on...I watch it!

Happy Tuesday? Anything you are obsessed with lately?