It has been really really really warm here...but simply not warm enough to fire up the air conditioners. We have deck furniture out...the girls have been in their tent...mulch is on the way! Happy Spring! The rule of planting here is that only pansies until Mother's Day...then you can plant everything. We usually take a trip to a greenhouse with beautiful get flowers...that will be our field trip soon.
But today is a relaxed day...yesterday electricians were here adding outdoor lights, fixing things and setting up the generator so that all we gave to do the next time we have a natural duster is to plug it in...whew!
Just sitting around waiting for the electricians to finish is mildly stressful. The cats had to be sequestered...and the projects took much of the day.
So today I am relaxing. My project is complete and I feel relaxed and renewed.
Yeah, Patty! Even the girls are having a peace filled moment.
Here we are! Happy! Relaxed! Not hissing!

Now...books! I am reading's about a family who owns a paper mill in a small
town...either in or near New Hampshire...there is an accident with a bus filled with children and this starts a disagreement among some of the families is the mill owning one. I have just started reading so I am still in that discovery zone part of reading a new book. But the beginning is good...the characters are interesting and the mystery is beginning to unfold. far so good!

I have a ton more books to share but I will do that later!
Dinner tonight...I think it's salad night! Either this Hummus Salad from New Nostalgia or this Tex Mex Salad from a blog called The First Year. I have been making these great "croutons" that Den loves...angled slices of a baguette...lightly crisped in a pan with just a touch of olive oil...then you rub a fresh garlic clove onto them...yummy! I think I might sub out the Fritos with an organic blue chip, though!

Happy Tuesday!