Ramen Trivia!

Rain, wind and just trying to get home from Minnesota ( where once Den lands he still has 3 hours of driving to do to get to his final goal ) had Den home and craving a steamy bowl of homemade Ramen Soup at 9:30 ish! He called from the airport the moment he landed...I had the soup simmering and all he had to do was drop in these amazing noodles when he was ready! He loved it! He slurped his soup to happy moans and groans!
I have no idea why I am so focused on Ramen...all I really know about it was the packages of MSG ladened stuff that I really never ate...the one I made...from Damn Delicious...has only fresh stuff in it...not even salt and pepper...the seasonings come from a little bit of soy sauce...barely a tablespoon.
The recipe called for these noodles...but you were to toss the seasoning pack in the trash. I could not find these!

I used these and they were perfect. We simply dropped them into the Ramen!

I can see adding really any kind of veg or even bits of meat...steak, pork, chicken...even shrimp? Anyway...this Ramen is a new staple!
Finished this...extremely good...

Reading this...YA, dragons disguised as people, rebel dragons disguised as people, beach town, surfing, volleyball...yep...it's all in this great new trilogy from an author whose work I love.

Oh...I got really lazy yesterday and could not face making pie crust...so I made this...a delicious apple cake! Moist, tender, with a cinnamon sugary crust...but the best thing? No mixer...one bowl...yogurt...Greek...makes it moist! Den was eating this at 10:00 last night!

That's it! It is again windy and wet and chilly here on the East Coast...it's a long sleeved long pants kind of day...
Happy Thursday!