Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday's Whims?

I am triumphant! Thanks to Kathy (BermudaOnion) I have convinced Den to not tear the house apart by washing windows. After a calm conversation or ridiculous shouting match...depends on your view...Den is succumbing to my wishes. Whew!

Still reading this...

The rest of the day today is yard prep which we have to do anyway...and we are planting mums and getting pumpkins and I am putting out some of my Festive Fall stuff...for Paula and the Pope...wink wink!
Off to buy pumpkins!
I can already tell this is going to be a one book week...I am distracted!
Happy Fall!




  1. Yay, I'm glad I was a positive influence!! I hope Den still likes me. ;)

  2. I can definitely relate to the distractions of house guests coming...and believe me, guests don't notice our windows...they just want a comfy bed, fresh towels, and our presence.

    Although I did a lot of scrubbing ahead of time, it didn't extend to windows. Too much!

    I wish the Pope's visit didn't interrupt so many of my daytime shows...LOL

    1. I know what you mean...I like the Pope but I don't like watching him all day long. Sigh!

  3. Shame on you. The Pope is wonderful. I hope you remember to go to confession. *wink*

  4. Fun to get ready for fall! I think a one book week will be just what you need- you have a lot going on! :)

  5. I need to go get some fall flowers for my table! I love season of the year. But I'm not organized enough to have decorations specific to each season yet...
