Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful day with family and friends!

Since we bought our entire Thanksgiving dinner from Whole Foods...already cooked...we can pop it all in the oven when we are hungry...for Den that has been since early this morning!

Sometimes living with my husband is like living with a 5 year old...I am forever answering the question...when are we going to eat?

I have spent a lot of this day reading...this...yummy's been the perfect book for today!

A review and awesome giveaway are just around the corner!


  1. I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. We went out to eat and then went to a movie.

  2. A very happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    PS How was the food!? :)

  3. Your dinner sounds wonderful! Hope you enjoyed it.

  4. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! i LOVE the idea of getting the whole dinner precooked! Maybe that is what we will do instead of making it all today. :)
