Monday, January 16, 2012

Trying Something New For Me!!!

I am strictly a one book at a time reader.

I take my time...I choose my book...I read it...I write about it ASAP...and I close the door and move on to the next one on my Kindle or shelf or table or iPad.

There is always a next one to be started right away.

That's the way I roll.

But this is my week to experiment with my reading style.

I will attempt to read three books at a time!!!

I am going to put each book in a different room.

I will stroll leisurely into those rooms and read whatever is there.

I will not move the books from their assigned rooms until each book is finished.

The only book that is free to roam is the book that is on my iPad. Kindle gets a rest this week...a well deserved rest.

Here are the room assignments...
This is the sunroom matches the big yellow flowered sofa there.
When not in use it will rest on the white wicker coffee table.  Started yesterday...bookmark in place.
This is the family room book. It will sit nicely on my red painted bench that is the coffee table there. 
 Started and stopped and started again.
This is the iPad gets to move all around this week.
This is the one I am really into...I love her work...

I can't wait to find out the results of my experiment a week from today!!!


  1. Good luck with that Patty :) I'm a strict one book at a time person too. Last week I tried to read two at a time, and found I got so wrapped up in one and then found it really difficult to get back to the other one. I'm looking forward to seeing how this experiment goes for you.

  2. Let us know how it works out. When I've tried reading more than one book at once, I find one is always more compelling and I drop the others until it's finished.

  3. Interesting experiment. I'd be afraid my brain would mix the characters. Best of luck!

    1. Hi's a disaster!!!

      I just want my iPad book!!!

  4. Good luck! I like room assignment thing. Very interesting. Can't wait to hear how it goes. :)

    1. Me, far it's not working...all I can think about is my iPad book!!!

  5. When I read more than one, Patty, it's usually because one is a chunkster and will take awhile. That is the case this week; I'm reading a chunkster, and Sparky, my Kindle, is waiting for when I go out. Too bulky to carry the chunkster in my bag.

    But I like the idea of different books for different rooms...Good luck!

  6. That would drive me nuts, I can't read more than one book at a time!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  7. I will be interested to hear your results. I am usually a one book at a time reader. However, I just stopped one book at 15% on my Kindle to listen to an audio-book I got today. I did finish the audio-book and write the review. Now, I'm back to the Kindle book. I don't really think I could do it any other way. A couple chapters of one then a couple of chapters of another seems like a way to get really confused about both books.

  8. I am usually a two-book at a time person, occasionally three. I have numerous books which I re-read over and over in the bathtub. Good luck with your experiment and I'll be curious to hear your thoughts next week.

  9. What an interesting experiment but I agree with Shelleyrae, it will really drive me nuts :) I can't wait to hear about the result :)

  10. Sounds like an interesting experiment. I like the different books in different rooms approach myself. My reading habits can vary vastly from one time of the day to the other too. Though I find that when I hot on a great title, everything else must stop until it is read!

  11. A friend of mine reads about 6 books at once- but she never finishes them and she doesn't ever love any of them. I told her to try an experiment opposite of yours- one book at a time. I think she might get more out of her books and she may actually finish one, instead of just starting more! You are reading some fascinating books- two of them are books I have on my list!

  12. Hi Patty, I've read your much later post which indicated your admitting defeat about this entire adventure/experiment (which is particularly ingenious, by the way haha) - I have to admit that I, on the other hand, read quite a number of books simultaneously. I have to, I suppose - given the demands of my teaching at the university, bookblogging, and the publish/perish conundrum among young faculty in the academe. Otherwise, I won't be able to survive too! Somehow, they work themselves out eventually in my head - in one way or another. :)

    1. I know...I do admit to failure...when I was teaching it was easier to read more than one thing at a time...but now I just seem to love that one book focus!!!

      You are lucky and I envy you!!!
