Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Not My Favorite Wednesday!

Oh well...this is me! Getting chemo therapy meds in! It was uncertain whether this would happen or not...I was booted out of the last two appointments...I didn't have enough white blood cells floating around in me. But they said this happens every now and then...they have decreased the amount of "stuff" I get to adjust to building up those white blood cells.


I am as relaxed as I can this situation...Den is by my side...he always is...we get blood work done and wait for the doctor to talk to was a good day. Every organ was ok...even my white blood cells. They were not behaving badly at all. So I go back to my little chemo has heated blankets and stuff to eat...TV and wireless and a lounging chair. Great insightful nurses who take the time to chat with the us. Debbie...I sincerely love you! Dr. know my fears and you take the time to calm me down! Den ran out for Kind Bars and lemonade for me...and we try to relax while the drugs go through me...killing both good and bad cells! Yikes!

I did not like this book...enough said!!

Not certain what I will read next...perhaps one of these?

Oh people who and be happy? Are so right!



Note...I think I fell asleep before I edited the first paragraph...I fixed the errors and am re sending could blame Roxie...she stepped on PUBLISH!



  1. Well, it does look as if they are at least trying to make you comfortable. You seem to have all the necessities. I'm glad that you could move forward with the treatment today. I know it's not something you look forward to but it's now one treatment less than you have to have.

    What did you decide to read? I am trying to finish a large-ish book and it's messing up my other reading.

    1. I read nothing over there...I just read email and talked to everyone. They Den got hungry so we had to deal with finding something good so he ran out to buy Kind bars and lemonade!

  2. I hope everything goes smoothly Patty. I'm glad these chemo cubbies are full of as much comfort as they can give you.

  3. I'm glad you were able to have your treatment today and I hope it only kills the bad cells.

  4. Keep going, and keep thinking good thoughts. I believe it is working. Hugs.

  5. It sounds like you have a good group working with you. I love when the nurses make the patients feel as comfy as possible. Blankets, etc. My experiences in hospital involved a back surgery a few years ago, and they all were pretty helpful.

    I'm hoping your experience continues to be as positive as possible. Good thoughts coming your way!

    I'm late visiting blogs...I had a long day, unplugged. More later.

    1. Yes! You are right on all counts...I hope your unplugged day was a good one?

  6. love you patty..continuing to send you positive...good wishes

  7. Hugs sent to you Patty during this lengthy ordeal. Thank goodness for Den, is all I can say. Enough said. I would like to read Always. Hope you get to it soon and like it. It's on my list!

    1. life is altered...that's for sure...I thank God for Den every single day!
