Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why Is It?

Here is the thing...why is it that when you start cleaning one thing...there is always something next to it that has to be cleaned...I give up! I am resting and reading and Den is downstairs vacuuming. The girls are resting with me. They have both had foamy dry baths...and their teeth brushed but they have to stay in our room while we have guests for dinner. Roxie is too curious...she has already killed my snowmen napkin rings. And...I set up wine glasses on a table in the sunroom and watched her precariously weave her way through them. It's like having toddlers...seriously...Tonks are fascinated by everything! This little peaceful down time is delightful...oh...we also fed them tuna...it calms them and they nap!

Reading this...
Off to read a bit, chill a bit, and then prep for dinner with all of my boys!
Have a great evening!




  1. I know your dinner will be wonderful!!

  2. Well, by the time you read my late comment, your dinner is probably over...or winding down. Hope it went well! Enjoy....

  3. Trust me when I say that the curiosity is not not a Tonk thing. It is a CAT thing. Almost all of our cats have destroyed decorations, especially Christmas ones. Some don't just knock them over or chew them. Some have been thieves...like George, who steals whatever he can carry. *wink*
    Hope dinner went off purrfectly!

  4. I am one of procrastination and only clean furiously when company is coming over. But I have plans to try to have a cleaning schedule; giving myself next year to start that, LOL!
