Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Den...Man Of Steel!

Yesterday when we arrived at home from NYC at would think we would have the day to relax...unwind...chill out...and that did happen for me. However...Den had a business meeting so he showered...again...his bag was prepped and packed...different suitcase and everything...and drove to the airport to catch a plane to a place that was almost in South Dakota! I could not believe that he was doing this! He is on his way home now but these past two days have been a whirlwind! He just called from the airport to tell me that he doesn't want to move tomorrow! Except that he has an 8:00 orthodontist appointment...which I can't believe he made. When we were both working full time our life was often like this...there was family to visit and work trips that included me and our life was crazed...and now it's still sort of that way. Den's brother asked me if it was hard for Den to get back into work mode...but I don't think it is...I can see him get back to his business self in minutes. After today he won't work for three weeks...which we will savor and enjoy until he works again!


I read two YA books last two for a while...both good...both easy reads...have you noticed that YA books seem to have a bigger font?

Now I have a week to read this chunkster! It's almost scaring me! It's huge! I know nothing about it...which scares me, too!
I love airport days...Den is bringing home dinner! Pizza? Japanese? Chinese? Five Guys? Red Sombrero tacos? Burritos? How do I decide?




  1. I would be exhausted if I were Den!

  2. Poor Den! How does he do all that?! Glad you got home safely.

    I used to live in NYC, but not Manhattan (which is what most folks think of when you say NYC). Even for me, trips to "the city", as we called it, were a bit frightening and stressful. My husband took it all in stride because he used to work in Manhattan near Central Park, so it was no big deal. I have "subway phobia" even though I've traveled on them most of my childhood to young adulthood without a problem-- but last time hubby had us take one I freaked! Regular commuter trains I'm much better on.

    I've lived away from NYC too many years and the rare trips there on vacation wear me out so quickly. I laughed long and hard at your tales of the hand sanitizer in the other post-- my son and I are exactly like that. From Thanksgiving to New Year's though it's wonderful (even if the street snow gets filthy).

  3. Busy guy! Glad you'll have some down time to stay at home and relax! I love airport days too - I usually pick Bill up and we go get something for dinner.
