Friday, August 22, 2014

It's Friday! I Can't Stop Watching Doctor Who!

Just finished with murder...mayhem...and dogs and cats! I loved this book!

Should read this next...just to stay on top of my lovely full queue!

But I am more in the mood for this...I think it's looks like YA...

Making this in minutes...a green tea shake from The Kitchn and SaraKate! It has milk...any tea powder! Yum!

Off to clear email! Happy Friday!


  1. I still need to watch Dr. Who! Never seen it. :(

    Hope your drink was as tasty as it looks.


  2. My eldest and her family are devout Whovians. Even the youngest child in first grade likes it-- they watch as a family. I just watched my first and only episode a few days ago at my daughter's coaxing, but I still don't know what the heck it is about :)
    I saw a review for What Strange Creatures and put it near the top of my wishlist. The other books I never heard of, but do look interesting.

  3. I have never watched Dr. Who. Really.

  4. The drink looks so delicious...and I have never watched Doctor Who! Can you believe it? The books look tempting...enjoy.
