Wednesday, September 18, 2013

We Are Having A Mid Week Staycation!'s the thing...yesterday was our anniversary so I wanted us to do something special so over a month ago I booked dinner at a restaurant called VOLT.

The cool thing about Volt is that it is owned by a Top Chef...Bravo...Top Chef...the TV show!


We wanted to eat dinner that looked like this...

We were so excited...but...we didn't go...we cancelled everything.


2 hour drive one way...midweek...bad timing...hotel was booked.

Sigh! We wimped out and went to dinner closer to home. Then Den decided to take today off and we were going to go to a midweek movie but it's 4 o'clock and we are still here. We wimped out again...but it's sort of fun to stay home and I rescheduled VOLT for Den's birthday...which is on a Saturday...and the hotel is not booked!

And we won't wimp out!


Now to this...OMG...I loved this book...London 2059...clairvoyants...evil...a caste system...this author has an unfreakingbelievable imagination! A love interest a million times better than Edward and ending that left me numb! But that's only my and Warden forever!

I can not wait for the next book. I was lost in this world and I didn't even think I liked this book at first!

It was amazing...

Next up...

Happy Reading!


  1. Staying home all day sounds heavenly to me - I can't remember the last time I did it.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I can understand why you postponed your dinner. A 2 hour drive is a lot midweek. I think it would be dreamy to have a staycation in the middle of the week. Just relaxing like it is a Sunday when it is a Wednesday. Awesome! :)
    Oh- and I can't wait to read The Bone Season!

    1. It was fun...we didn't even do anything...just sat outside in the sun and then we cooked dinner! I loved The Bone Season! Loved it!

  3. Sometimes staying home is the best appts. or schedules to keep.

    Enjoy your staycation....

  4. That's not a lot of food on that plate anyway. I don't think you missed much. Lol...

  5. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I want to eat there.
