Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas is truly a lot of work...isn't it?

Now I am not Bah Humbugging anything but truly...really...this is a ton of work, isn't it?  I have to put away regular order to put up all of the Christmas stuff...I have an awful lot of Santas and I like to tuck them all over the house...any Santas or Snowmen with any greenery at all...the artificial kind... have to be placed up high on mantles and unreachable pieces of furniture so that LucyGrace will not attack and kill them.  And often to a nimble Tonkinese cat with a mission...unreachable is not unreachable at all.  My husband and I can testify to that after listening to an entire top of a cabinet crash to the ground when Lucy the Amazing Tonkinese decided to get to a certain snowman who has not been out for the last three Christmases...and I do miss him so...
Again...I am not complaining but...does anyone else out there think that this is a ton of work?  I have not even wrapped one single present or sent out Christmas cards yet...
I have not even eaten one single Christmas cookie other than the one that a very nice man at the Christmas Tree Farm shared with me.  On the other hand...I have lots of surprises for my husband and Lucy...the outside of the house looks lovely...candles sparkle in the windows and I just bought and put together myself a golden reindeer who will sit on the front bench...there is a bow and bough of evergreens on the mailbox and I even got to pet a reindeer yesterday.  And I am listening to Christmas songs 24/ guess the fun stuff outweighs the work stuff.  Oh...the tree is up...a lovely Fraser Fir...and the houses smells amazing...but I still need a cookie!!!  And I still have time to read Matched...which is amazing and reminds me a little bit of Hunger Games...

Note the crazed look on her face and the scared stiff look on his!!!


  1. It is a lot of work and I don't have much spirit this year, so it makes it seem like even more work.

  2. I find some years easier than others. This year, it seemed easy to me but last year, I was depressed and blue and dragging myself around the house to get it all done.

    I think what makes it hard is the expectation we have for it. Not so much what others have for it. It's not Christmas to me unless I do this and this and this... Makes it hard, you know?

  3. Ti...totally agree with you...those traditions sneak up and get us every time!!!
