Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh Sunny Day...

Thank goodness the sun is out today...LucyGrace and I have been out on the deck basking in the sun twice already.  The only reason that she is napping in the sunroom now is because I slipped her a teaspoon of tuna...I know she shouldn't have it but it makes her sleep and I needed a teeny little break.  She is the reason why I get tan in the summer.  Living with a Tonkinese cat is similar to living with a two year old who never ages.   When she was a kitten I would hire my across the street neighbors a few times a week to come and play with her for an hour at a time to help me tire her out.   To this day she thrives on play.   She is constantly bringing me my own things.   A bracelet, an earring, a hair tie...she will scour all of the upstairs bedrooms on a daily basis and bring me something that she thinks I need to is so funny and my husband and I laugh hysterically at her antics.   Tonkinese cats are so loyal and loving and in your face.   I am clearing email and blogging now because when LucyGrace awakens from her tuna induced nap...we are on the deck again...she will not take no for an answer.


  1. I've never heard of a Tonkinese cat - I need to Google them!

  2. have to...small muscular angelicly devilish retrievers talkers and so into people you would fall in love with them on the spot...

  3. Ooo...pulling a fast one one on LucyGrace with the Tuna. Boozie loved tuna, but I had to give it to her sparingly because the vet said she was prone to crystals in her urine. Then she would have trouble peeing and have to take antibiotics. I await more of the "Chronicles of LucyGrace"!

  4. I know...tuna is not good for them...but I was desperate!!! I don't think you can ever understand how loud a Tonk...and this one in particular...can be!!!
