Sunday, October 13, 2013

Football Sunday...Week 6!

I can't believe I even know this plus I just finished a football conversation with Den that didn't involve colors of uniforms or who is the cutest quarterback...


Finished this...I know I am late to the partay with this one...but it was so good! Thanks, Ti and Laurel-Rain for your awesome reviews. I loved this book!

Now reading this and I love it,'s the perfect book to read while I am "watching"

Once I finish this one I have 17 days to read my next Vine book before I am overdue. I love this system!

My sunroom is my new kitty rehab room. Lucy is supposed to be confined for about two weeks...she walks like a little elderly lady...poor thing!

Nurse Roxie helps out by jumping on the tent and tapping Lucy on the head...kitty resuscitation?

Who knew? My poor sweet girl...

Little shaved paws where catheters were...sigh!

Nurse Roxie on call! She also helped herself to Lucy's food and litterbox!

Happy Reading!


  1. Roxie instinctively knows to keep things as normal as possible. Lucy will follow that lead. Bless their hearts. And yours.

  2. So glad you loved After Her....and how cute that you have a rehab center for Lucy. Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. So, who is the cutest quarterback? I loved After Her too. I know Lucy will be getting lots of TLC!

  4. Oh Roxie. What a cutie.

    I keep hearing great things about this JM book.

  5. Aww...Lucy's receiving some Mommy Roxie being a little opportunist? Lol...she's hangin' with her big sis in the tent! Cool...

  6. After Her looks and sounds really good.

    So glad Lucy is getting better. :)
