Saturday, June 16, 2012


On my deck yesterday...amidst all of the noise!!!

My Amish boys love birds...Rubin brought his binoculars to watch the seabirds at the pond...Rubin and Amos and Jonah ( Amish ) said its a red tailed hawk...Jerry ( not Amish ) agreed. Jerry is their driver.

Roof update...not even close to being done!

Here is our schedule...

7:00 AM...the boys arrive and start pounding on things!
10:00 AM...snack time! Yesterday they didn't eat what they brought but had my milk and cookies instead.
My Amish boys were dunking Oreos like pros!
Who knew?
1:00...lunch...yesterday their treat was icy cold watermelon! Den drove home to bring it to us...I say us...funny...
5:00...quiet ensues as my boys clean up and leave.

I am trying to think of fun snacks for them every day!
I think Monday I will put out individual bottles of milk and homemade chocolate chip cookies!
Bananas? Strawberries? Veggies?

I provide stimulating conversation, too. Yesterday I asked Rubin if he had a hidden car in his barn that he drove after work. He said no. And I asked him if he ever watched National Geographic's Being Amish...he said he is being Amish.

I think they are getting used to me and my humor. Monday I am going to surprise them and eat lunch with them outside! They won't come in and eat with sad!

They come in to wash hands and use the bathroom but that's it...but I am working on them!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. It sounds like you're enjoying the workers if not the work. We've had hawks perch on our deck before but our roof wasn't being replaced at the time.

  2. Very cool pictures .And it sounds like you're having lots of fun! :)

  3. Awwww you're so cute. I would be the same way.
    I desperately want some Amish friends.

    It's taking awhile but at least you know it will be done right.

  4. Sounds like you're having fun over there - love the hawk!! I bet they love you spoiling them :)

  5. I love hearing your stories of your Amish roofers and this one is fantastic. I love that you provide them with such fun snacks. One of my close friends has a lake house "Up North" in Michigan and there is an Amish community. She said they aren't allowed to listen to the radio, but love to listen to it and they can't ask non-Amish folks to turn it off. :) She always has the radio on for them when they come.

    I love the pictures of the red tailed hawks- we had a pair outside my school for two days in the middle of May. But, they seem to have gone.

  6. These are such great pictures! This is a great post.

  7. Love your deck...and the view from the deck.

    You're certainly having better luck with your workers than I ever did (despite how long it's taking!). Mine would arrive at 9, take long breaks throughout the morning, eat lunch, work for 1/2 hour and leave.

  8. Very cool pics and you have a gorgeous deck :)
