Monday, September 12, 2011

Waiting For These...Where Are You Mr. UPS Man?

This is definitely my style.  I love slouchy loose and comfy.  I am a magician at finding clothes from many different designers and shops that still fit this basic category.
I can do this style for at home comfy, going out day time comfy and I am a whiz at doing it for night time date time but still amazingly comfy.
If the tops are longer and more of a tunic length I add black tights.  If they are shorter I add black pants...the ones above.  In fact that outfit is mine and I have it in three different color combos but always black trousers...I must own a zillion black pants. Wide legged, narrow, wide and narrow...when I find pants that I love I buy more than one.  It is the perfect wardrobe for me.  It travels perfectly.  It washes perfectly.  It is perfect for Patty...that would be me.
I add an armful of bracelets or a trendy wrapped scarf or wedges or ballet flats or boots. 
People seem to love my style. 
I love my style.
My style is me.
The above look is from a brand called fluxus.
I bought one of those deals from a site called Daily Candy or it might have been on Pop Sugar.  I spent $40.00 to get $100.00 of clothes from fLuxus.
Trust me...I was ecstatic.

Now...I would love to know this about you.

How would you describe your personal style?


  1. I accidentally deleted all comments on my iPAD...but bermuda onion said this...
    I wish I had a style! I need someone to help me.
    She is so sweet and funny...and she does have style...

  2. personal style....levis 501s and a t-shirt --- normally an old one of my sons - or if I'm entertaining anything I can find that is clean! LOL

  3. Yep. Looks good and travel perfect.
