Saturday, June 5, 2010

Finished Book Five And Without A Pause I am Into Book Six...

I am in awe of Rachel Caine and this series. Each book continues to maintain a high level of excitement and a total infusion into the life of the characters. I feel as though I know Claire Danvers even as her character strengthens and grows. I believe that Claire amazes herself as she struggle to find a cure for what is ailing the vampires of Morganville and maintain the lives of her friends and family. The town is in chaos…houses and buildings are burning and Claire remains strong and true. I am literally almost reading a book every other day and I have no favorites…just the compulsion to enjoy each book thoroughly as I am enmeshed totally in the lives of the key characters of Morganville. Bishop and Myrnin and Amelie and Oliver and Michael and Sam…are the vampires that again are key in this battle of strength and wits and magic. All of the elements in this book and within this series are in perfect harmony with just enough surprises to keep me reading with utter excitement. Whew!!!


  1. Love this series! I blew through it in like a week. Very good!

  2. Love this series! I flew through it in like a week! So good!

  3. Renae...I know...there is no stopping even for a breath...I am wondering if her Weather Warden series is as good?
