Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Love This Award.

June just gave me a very beautiful blog award.  This means so much to a newbie blogger like me. She is wonderful and she knows how much her support has meant to me.  As soon as I figure out how to post the award...I will...right now you just have to imagine it!!!

She had some fierce stipulations upon accepting this award.   Here is the first set and this is me following directions.


The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie
The Strings That Tie The Hangman's Purse
Sacred Ground
Glass House and...hmmm...yikes...oh no I it...
Baked...this one is a cookbook and really good.  It is from a NYC bakery.  Their brownies are supposed to be magnificent. 

Now the next part is a little difficult for me...I have been reading and enjoying so many blogs that I don't know how to really choose five to give an award to.  I just don't feel qualified yet.  But I am going to try to share blogs that I really enjoy.  I am still sort of bouncing around all over about a million blogs and slowly getting to know them.  So here we go!!!

My favorite newly found blog...E.J.Stevens.  Her blog is deep and dark and mysterious and full of lovely fantasy.  She is also an author.

I also love Allison.  Her blog is full of all things Maine.  Gardens and photos and food and recipes.  It is delightful.

Manda is also a unique and new blogger.  We started blogging at about the same time and she is always there to answer tech questions for me.  She has a goal to reach this year and she is bound and determined to blog daily.   I am making her a pillow with stars...her fav...and she is very patient.

Heidi has a healthy food journal blog.  I have followed her for years and love her writing, ideas and recipes.

Steena also has a blog that I love.  It is clean and fresh and she writes beautifully.  I am an admirer of her blog in all of its chocolatey goodness.

So...that should do it.  I follow far too many blogs and have lots of blog envy but I feel myself growing and learning from so many people.  Just a quick and sincere thank you to all of you. 


  1. I will defiantly have to check out E.J. Stevens and Allison's blogs. Congrats on the award!

  2. Thanks, Morgan...I think you might enjoy both of them...

  3. Congratulations on your well deserved award!

  4. Kathy, thanks so much...I love awards...hee hee hee...

  5. Now that wasn't so hard was it? I knew your were blog worthy!

    P.S. I like your new avatar outfit...very gangsta...gangsta with a very fat cat! Hee hee hee...

  6. I know...I am gangsta...hee hee hee...and I am not doing Lucy justice...she is an itty bitty kitty!!!

  7. congratulations! i just found your blog through june and am so happy i did!

  8. Priya...thank you so much...I love it when people finally find me!!!
