Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday...lovely Friday...

Lucy and I are still lounging in bed...there is so much to decide today...I have not read in a week...this miserable  East Coast flu...that I got in Colorado...has just floored me...I have not been this sick and out of sorts since  forever...there is a fierce snowstorm on the way today...and I should get up and get actual real food...not just jello and chickeny soups...but real food and vegetables and cheeses...but I am incapable of movement...I love that...incapable of movement...I am finessing the art of being sick...I just want tea and toast...and to lay my head back on our lovely smooth sheets in our new white shabby chic is the perfect bed to be ill sort of just begs you to rest here just a while longer...I hate not being able to read.  I just kindled two new books...the one by Amy Greene...Bloodroot...and Tithe by Holly Black...I am far too addicted to Kindling...thanks to Jeff Bezos...I must own a million books...and I can read at least two or three a week...but Kindling is just too wondrous for words...I think it might be the idea of carrying around an entire library with you...I love that so much...too much...I think I will begin my reading again with Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow...I cannot get away from this YA trek that I am on...Happy Friday!!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a Kindle...I just have huge stacks of books next to my bed of books I need to read. It's getting a bit out of control. At least your Kindle can't fall on you and crush you in your sleep. :)
